Friday, June 28, 2013

New Evangelization: Simple Ways To Witness

New Evangelization
A key component of the new evangelization is that of meeting the spiritual and temporal needs of the people precisely where they are. The underlying message is the same: a call to holiness in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ. In other words, it is new only in the sense that it makes use of new methodes of reaching the faithful. Pope John Paul II’s pontificate was indeed a model of the New Evangelization with his many travels and his use of the available communications technology of his day. This has even laid the foundation for evangelization in the world of social media. Practically speaking, this also means we need to be prepared to witness to those we encounter in our everyday, ordinary lives. Mother Theresa put it this way: "You are called to blossom where you have been planted."

Sign of the Cross
I grew with the tradition of making the sign of the cross every time you passed a Catholic Church. I always associated it with a sign of respect. When I came back to the Church, I read an article in which the author was advocating the return to this tradition as a sign of acknowledging the true presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament contained in each tabernacle. While I was recently visiting family, I was in the car with them when we passed a Catholic Church. I "signed" myself and  silently prayed a Spiritual Communion Prayer. One of my family members asked me why and it gave me an opportunity to explain why. It also began a discussion on the true presence in the Eucharist.

Original Catholic Cap
One morning recently, I had to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items for a trip I was taking. While I was putting the groceries in the back of my car, a young man in a wheel chair came up to take my cart. He saw I was wearing an Original Catholic baseball cap and asked me where I bought it. This led to a discussion about Catholicism and the priesthood.

Grace Before Meals
I work at a small magnet school and during lunch our entire faculty eats at one large wooden, last supper table in our presentation room. Years ago when I had just come back to the Church, I began praying grace before all my meals. I wasn't loud. In fact, I mostly whispered the prayer to myself, but did not hide that I was praying over my food because I would always conclude with a sign of the Cross. A year or so later one of my colleagues approached me and said, "Don, I have come back to the Catholic Church because of you." I must have given her a strange look and then said, "I don't understand. What did I do?" She said seeing me pray everyday made her realize that she needed to get back to the Church. God then used that simple act to move her heart, to bring her back to the Church. She has since brought back her entire family into the Church and they are all actively involved in their parishes.

Always Be Ready
The point I am trying to make with these three simple examples is that we should always be ready to witness to others. We don't have to do anything dramatic. We don't have to beat anyone over the head with a Bible or Catechism. We just have to be willing and able to share our faith.

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