Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Evernote Clearly

De-clutters Webpages
Recently I have been using Evernote Clearly quite a bit for working on papers and research for blog posts. This extension for Evernote allows you to de-clutter a webpage you are reading. It removes the header and side panel and ads. You can also customize the text as you see fit. What I like most about this little app is that it allows me to "cut evidence" for articles, organize them and retrieve them later. You can do this by exporting the article to a notebook in Evernote.  I've recently incorporated using it for the WordCount Blogathon.

Research Tool
I use Clearly most often as I am reading other Catholic blogs or websites. After I have isolated the article, I can clip it to one of my notebooks in Evernote to read later. This gives me an opportunity to gather topical articles in one place so that I can read them more analytically. Additionally, it makes it easier for me to read them on my iPad. First, because I don't have to be online to read the article and secondly because the formatting is easier to read once it has been clipped.

Read Later
As I alluded to above, one other good use for Clearly is to use it to clip and save articles to read later. I have way too much content in my RSS feed to read at one time. Truthfully, I may not want to read all of it. Clearly allows me to isolate those I identify as worthy of reading later on my iPad. I do this especially when I am about to head out to the doctor's office or another appointment where I may have to wait. Again this is particularly useful, if you don't know if you are going to have wifi available.

Here's a video tutorial on how to use Evernote Clearly.

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