Saturday, March 31, 2012

Are we raising future priests and nuns?

When I was a boy, I would pretend to be a priest using Pringles as communion hosts. While I don't recall my parents specifically promoting vocations to priesthood or the religious life, I do remember that they always displayed a great deal of respect for our priests. Whenever they would invite one of the priests from  our parish over to the house, I remember it was big deal. While I never became a priest, I did consider it and even discussed it with our parish priest.

The above video was posted by Brandon Vogt, author of The Thin Veil blog and editor of The Church and New Media. I loved this video because it demonstrates that Brandon and his wife are raising their children in an atmosphere in which priests are respected.

I have a good friend who has four children ranging from elementary school age to college bound. He and is wife have always discussed all vocations with their children. This included discussing marriage as a vocation. This doesn't mean we force our children in to considering the religious life, but it does mean that we should explain that they should be open to serving God in that way.

What are you doing to promote vocations in your household?

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I found your blog because I'm a fellow "Ultimate Blog Challenge" participant. I loved this! I happen to have always loved Pringles since I was young... and the idea of playing priest is so cool! I don't have kids (at least non-feline ones) but I would definitely encourage a religious vocation if they felt so guided.
