Sunday, February 12, 2012

WMD & Marriage

Sometimes when Stacey and I have a knock down drag out fight (yes, loving couples in a sound marriage CAN and DO fight) it can seem like someone is about to launch a WMD.  The WMD I am referring to in the title of this post is World Marriage Day.  The idea for WMD originated in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1981. A few couples in that area approached their mayor, governor and bishop about honoring marriage on St. Valentine's Day. The event was so successful it was eventually adopted by the World Marriage Encounter and expanded to several other states. In 1993, Blessed Pope John Paul II "imparted his Apostolic Blessing upon World Marriage Day." WMD is now celebrated throughout the United States on the second Sunday in February.

Last night our parish celebrated WMD with a "sweetheart" dance and dinner. The evening began with a blessing over the couples, followed by a series of prayer petitions for married couples. This morning at Mass, Father Mathew blessed all the married couples in attendance.

I like the idea of the WMD, but I have a small issue with their logo. While I agree that the two hearts should be one, there is one heart missing - the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The sacramentality of marriage - and ultimately its success - rests in the union with Christ. Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote a book on this very subject entitled Three to Get Married (available in txt format on EWTN). Maybe I am being picky, but my point is that in a time when the sacrament of marriage is under attack, we should do all we can to promote its sacramentality.

Nevertheless, I think WMD is good start. It should be a launching point for developing more couples' oriented ministries within parishes. Our parish has a Couples' Ministry that meets once a month, revolving between homes of its members. The couples all gather for a potluck meal and then have organized discussions on various topics.

More Marriage Resources:

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