Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Real Men Pray the Rosary

Rosary Apostolate
Real Men Pray the Rosary is a lay apostolate dedicated to the promoting the prayer of the Rosary, especially among men. The group has recently published a handbook on the Rosary and now, just in time for Father's Day, they are selling hand made rosaries that include their logo.

They Bleed Red
I like this style of rosary because it's very manly. The rosaries are made of hematite stone, which has the appearance of metal (as a true weapon should be made of) and if broken open "bleed" red. Additionally, the crucifix is a replica of the crosier used by Blessed Pope John Paul II and now recently by Pope Francis as well. The center piece portrays Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, on one side and the RMPTR logo on the other.

Spiritual Weapon
Countless Popes and Saints have cited the Rosary as one of the most powerful spiritual weapons. St. Padre Pio used to call out to one of the younger friars, "bring me my weapon, bring me my rosary." I've often said in some of my Joe Catholic talks, that I have been looking for a short cut to holiness. There are none, but there are sure tried practices to sanctification: praying the Rosary and frequent use of the Sacraments.
Father's Day
The rosaries are priced at $39.95 and would make a great Father's Day gift and can be purchased HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks J.C.! We at RMPTR do appreciate all of your continuing efforts to focus all of us on the Catholic faith. Thank you also for your comments on our neat little Rosary. We wanted something that felt good in our hands and was also striking in a "manly" way- not dainty or frilly- but suggested strength through prayer. We think our Rosary does. Hey, also consider checking our new little book. It sets forth our journey to love the Rosary and how it nourishes our faith. check it out here...
