Friday, March 15, 2013

Where Were You When You Heard the News?

Where were you when you heard the news that we had a new pope?

I was sitting at my computer and had just finished working on a new blog post. I was putting on my shoes to go get lunch when I received a text from my brother +Matt Gonzalez. His text actually beat the texts from the PopeApp and PopeAlarm by a few seconds. I immediately went online to CatholicTV and began watching the streaming video. My WiFi wasn't cooperating and kept causing the video to buffer.  I decided to move my laptop and books  to the bedroom to watch EWTN's coverage on the TV. I was supposed to be studying for my IPT classes, but instead I stayed glued to the TV until the announcement was made. I cannot describe the level of anxious excitement I felt as I waited. Then after over an hour of waiting, I heard the words, Habemus Papam! I was only able to make out the name Jorge and then Francis. Was it Cardinal O'Malley, I thought for a moment? No, that couldn't be because his name isn't George. As I pondered this, EWTN's commentators finally piped in and said that our new Holy Father was former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina.

Here's a moving and well-produced video from CatholicVote.  As you reflect back on that moment, please share your story on how you heard the news and where you were when you heard the news. Please write these in the Comments or on Google+.


  1. Hello Don, I was in hospital by my daughter’s bedside when a non-Christian friend texted me to inform me that a new Pope had been elected but that his name had not yet been divulged. I immediately called my youngest daughter who was visiting with me (I have five daughters so this could get confusing!) and reached for my phone to text my older daughters and to try to access the news. My wi-fi connection was unstable but I wanted to try to be online before they announced who he was. Unfortunately, this did not happen, for I was given the news by one of my daughters via text. Minutes later, I managed to get online, so a flurry of research ensued and I learned quite a lot about Pope Francis in a relatively short time. I loved what I was reading and eagerly anticipated seeing him and hearing him speak - there was a feeling of hope and excitement which I cannot quite express.From what I have seen of our Holy Father since then, I believe he is a very special man indeed, and my heart is full of love and admiration for him - his speech moved me deeply.

  2. Don,

    I was actually was sick at home when I heard we had a new Pope on the internet while trying to find results of the latest voting by the Cardinals. Unfortunately, I had to leave almost right away to make a doctor's appointment for the illness. In the waiting room of the doctor's office was a TV tuned to a cable news network following the announcement of Habemus Papam! While in the waiting room I watched but no announcement yet, no one appearing on the balcony. Called into the appointment I did not know who the Holy Father was. After the appointment I stood in the waiting room of the doctor's office, watching the TV until I heard two things: Francis and Argentina. Pope Francis. What a beautiful name. I left the office at least knowing the Pope was from Argentina. Over the next several days reading and learning about the Pope, watching His appearances on the internet, and listening to the limited conversation/and homily he had given, I can truly say I am profoundly touched by the man whom the Holy Spirit has chosen to follow St. Peter. The Church and the world has again been blessed by our Father in heaven. Pope Francis can lead us to Jesus!

    Praying for our Pope,

    Deacon Kurt
