Thursday, January 31, 2013

St. John Bosco

I chose this unique picture of St. John Bosco because it relates to a prophecy he had in a dream which may have recently come true in the pontificates of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

St. John Bosco, also known as Don Bosco, was born August 16, 1815. Shortly thereafter his mother dedicated him to Our Lady. His father died when he was 2 years old and John began working to help the family at a very young age. As a young man he was very athletic. He performed a one-boy circus act for the boys in his village. When he concluded his feats of magic and agility, he would recount the homily he had heard at that day's mass. Eventually, he entered studies to become a priest. He spent the bulk of his priestly life serving troubled youth. He possessed extraordinary trust in God providing for his ministry. He established a home, with vocational training, for boys. Eventually he would also form an order known as the Salesians.

St. John Bosco serves us as a great role model for many reasons. First, he was not afraid to use his unusual talents (magic and acrobatics) for the glory and service of our Lord. Additionally, he was a man of prayer. In particular, he called on the intercessory prayers of Our Lady and St. Francis de Sales. Constantly in need of raising money for his projects, he counted on God to provide in all his needs.

St. John Bosco is known as the patron for students and young people. He was also known for his prophetic dreams and his gift for reading souls during confession.

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