Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Tech Talk: Free Audio Rosaries

During the men's conference this weekend, we had an unexpected, prolonged break because the lines for confession were so long. What a great problem to have! I filled some of the time by talking about the Rosary as a powerful spiritual weapon and how so many of the saints incorporated this popular devotion in their daily prayer lives.

I struggle to find the time in the morning to pray the rosary and when I get home I am often too tired to remember anything other than getting ready for the next day. What I have found most helpful is praying the rosary during my morning commute to work. I have downloaded an audio version of the rosary on to my iPhone and play/pray it on way to work. I not only get to pray the rosary, but I lower my blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of road rage during those rough mornings of traffic. Praying the rosary this way takes about 15-20 minutes. It's OK if you have to split the prayer up between your morning and afternoon commutes if you don't have a long one. This is also a good way to pray the rosary as you work out or go for a morning walk.

Here are two free or inexpensive ways to download an mp3 version of the rosary or to obtain one on CD.

Rosary Army - mp3 files in English, Spanish and Dutch

CatholiCity - Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet on CD ($1 donation suggested); available as download too

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