Monday, September 19, 2011

Lose-A-Palooza with a Catholic Twist

In recognition of Weight Watcher's Lose-A-Palooza, today I am writing about my recent weight loss.

Late last April a couple of events merged to create the perfect storm to motivate me to get off my butt (literally) and do something about my morbid obesity. The first was my attendance at our parish's lenten retreat. During the course of one of the evening reflections, Father Thomas McDermott, OP asked us to prayerfully reflect on what the number one thing that was keeping us from growing closer to our Lord. Almost immediately, I thought of my weight and how it was making it difficult for me to serve in the ministries in which I am involved.  I could no longer stand to teach RCIA and I couldn't comfortably descend from the altar after lectoring.

The second event involved our church deacon. We were having a conversation after mass and some how got on the subject of Pope Blessed John XXIII. Deacon Walt explained that Pope John XXIII was a big man, probably as "big as you, Don" and then he patted my stomach. I was a bit shocked at his joke (don't get me wrong, I like Deacon Walt and I think he has a great sense of humor), but I wasn't offended. Instead, it got me thinking that I should ask Blessed John XXIII to intercede for me as I contemplated doing something about my weight.

Stacey and I decided to join Weight Watchers and TOGETHER we would take this journey to lose weight. That was about four and a half months ago and I have lost 45 pounds in that time. I have dropped three pant sizes and I can wear my wedding band again. More importantly, I have greater energy and my knees are feeling better. Recently, I have even lectored without pain.

People have asked me why WW has worked for me. My answer is simple - WW works because it is not complicated. Tracking what I eat has led to me making wiser food choices. I can still eat whatever I want, but now I track everything down to the small dab of butter on my toast. The PointsPlus system is very much like maintaining a budget. You are allotted a certain number of points per day. I have been able to be be consistent because of the iPhone app that let's me log in immediately. If you are interested in reading a few more of my weight loss stories, you can read those at Gonzo's Gab.

For the remainder of this month, Weight Watchers is sponsoring a food drive. Our center (where we have our meetings) is dedicated to giving a pound of food for every pound we lose. Additionally, WW is donating money for every tweet, like or post which mentions their Lose for Good campaign.

I still have a long way to go before I reach my ideal weight, but I am not alone in my fight. I have my loving and supportive wife, Stacey and I have a new patron in Blessed John XXIII to pray for me. One of the great things about being Catholic is learning that offering up something like losing weight can be included in our efforts to answer the call to holiness.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe,

    Please check out the work done by Father Ed Nadolny and his helpers to make a Pope John XXIII patron of weight loss card.

    Go to

    Enlargements of the card are also available by sending in requests to the above website.

    Hope you really, really, really enjoy the work of Father Ed Nadolny and his helpers.

    Bill Parsons, one of Father Ed's helpers
