iBreviary - this app is available for 99 cents on iTunes. It contains the daily readings and several prayers. The most important characteristic of this app is the Liturgy of Hours. You can pray the Hours at Daily Mass using this application. It takes some getting use to as you have to find where you are in relation to the Shorter book used by Father Mathew at Mass.
iConfess - this application contains an extensive check list to use for a thorough Examination of Conscience prior to going to Reconciliation. It also has all the prayers you will need before, during and after the sacrament. It is available for download for $1.99.
iMissal - this app is the closest electronic version of the Roman Missal I have been able to find. It has all the Eucharistic Prayers, the Order of the Mass and all the readings. It does lack the ability to switch over to optional Feast Days. Otherwise a very useful app when traveling. It is a little pricier than most apps at its $4.99 price, but I believe well worth it. The app has been updated twice and another is due at the end of this month. As the designers have continued to respond to suggestions, I can only believe they will add a way to switch to feast days.