Saturday, November 6, 2010

Christ the King

Lindon Leners explained the significance of the Feast of Christ the King Sunday. In particular, he pointed out that it marks the end of the liturgical calendar and prepares us for the beginning of the Advent season.

Furthermore, the feast day reminds us that Christ should be King of all of our lives. That means every aspect of who we are and what we do.

I chose this image of Christ the King that appears in the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D. C.  I like this mosaic portrayal because Jesus has an intimidating look about him. He seems to be challenging any evildoers to "bring it on!"


Quas Primas - Encyclical on Feast of Christ the King

St. Josemaria on Christ the King
This point elaborates on Lindon's observation that Christ's throne on Earth was the cross.